Nazanin Honarparvaran
Islamic Azad University, Iran
Title: A phenomenological study on sexual stereotype of college student
Biography: Nazanin Honarparvaran
This research‚ seeks to find sexual stereotype among university students by using the phenomenology theory. A mixed method by focusing on lived experience was used for 16 master’s university student in Tehran’s public universities ‚ that was divided into two fields of humanistic science and engineering. Goal oriented method was used to explore the conception, judgment, and act of university students against every sexual phenomenon. The data gathering method was an in-depth semi-structured interview. After scrutiny of the interviews, data analyzed by the conceptual model of Sterubert. The results show 2 main ideas: the process of sexual stereotype construction and quality and quantity of sex which per of them has their own special conceptions. Sexual stereotype construction has 2 subsets: awareness source of sexual phenomena and view of a sexual zone. The quality and quantity of sex has 4 subsets: The effect of beauty on choosing a partner, males and female sexual stereotypes, historical-argumental stereotype and rejected position of sex. The results emphasize the certain effects of historical, cultural and social contents that frame main thoughts about sexual issues.